
来源 作者:杭州嘉兴验厂网 发布时间:03-22

      问题现象: 招工启示中含有歧视词语.
      解决方法: 招工歧视中删掉含有任何歧视成分的字词,实际可以灵活运用!
      BSCI条款:   B.8.1 Is there any deviation in compensation, benefits, hiring procedure, job ssignment, retirement provisions, access to services etc. between mployees in regard to age, caste, disability, ethnic and/or national rigin, gender, membership in free and ependent workers’organisations including free and independent unions, political affiliation, ace, religion, sexual orientation, marital status, family responsibilities, ocial background or other personal characteristics?
注意事项: 严重不合格项目.